Trial Booking
60 mins practice plan
3 Month Subscription plan
For Basic And Intermediate Learners
Total 36 sessions
Take as many session you want per week
Batch size 1:10
Time flexibility
Revise with the recorded sessions
First demo only@49Rs.
Pay Now
60mins practice plan
6 Months Subscription plan
For Basic And Intermediate Learners
Total 72 sessions
Take as many session you want per week
Batch size 1:10
Time flexibility
Revise with the recorded sessions
First demo only@49Rs.
Pay Now
30mins practice plan
9 Months Subscription plan
For Basic And Intermediate Learners
Total 108 sessions
Take as many session you want per week
Batch size 1:10
Time flexibility
Revise with the recorded sessions
First demo only@49Rs.
Pay Now